What we might work on

Are you experiencing changes in your mood?

  • Feeling down, sad, depressed or hopeless

  • Losing interest or motivation to do things that used to feel good or feel productive

  • Feeling fidgety, distracted, out of it, or unable to concentrate

  • Having trouble making decisions or make decision that you later regret

  • Feeling loss, lost, guilty or like you are not valued

  • Feeling irritable, grumpy,  grouchy or on edge

  • Changes in energy, feeling tired or keyed up 

  • Comfort talking with people, comfort being alone

  • Tuning out or trouble staying in the moment

  • Being easily startled or jumpy

  • Feeling stressed or overwhelmed

Has your behavior changed?

  • Problems getting along with people

  • Changes in relationships with family, loved ones and/or friends

  • Difficulties at work or school

  • Problems getting things done at home

  • Increased use of alcohol and/or drugs

  • Using prescribed medications in ways that are off-label or different from the way it was prescribed

  • Avoiding people, places or other reminders of things you’d rather not think about

  • Checking out or tuning out when you need to focus or concentrate

  • Increased problems remembering things or keeping track of multiple details

  • Having reactions to situations that seem bigger or disproportionate to ways you used to react

  • Sleeping too much, not enough or feeling like sleeps doesn’t leave you rested

Are you having a hard time coping with a transition or challenge?

  • Changing jobs - losses, lateral moves, promotions,

  • Changes in the work being done or pressures that come with the jobs

  • Moving or relocating 

  • Changes in schools or school settings - starting new programs, graduation, handling challenges

  • Transitions in relationships

Are you facing challenges unique to a Military family?

  • Relocating, including cumulative effects of multiple moves and transitions

  • Transitioning to and from deployment 

  • Coping with the aftermath of experiences during and after service

  • Transitioning out of military service

  • Communicating effectively with family, friends and loved ones when there are things you cannot share

  • Family members changes in roles and experiences that occur when a loved one serves

  • Loss of the military community for family members following transition out of the military 

  • Challenges for youth in schools off-base with peers who may not understand their experiences

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Being happy shouldn’t be so hard.

Let us work on it together.